Reader Revelation from Jerry Borrowman



At the time President Clinton created the Monica Lewinsky scandal I was acting as a bishop in our church, essentially a non-paid spiritual leader of a congregation of 500.

I was so angry at him for what he did to our youth.  One young lady came to me and confessed that she had given oral sex.

When I tried to tell her why that was harmful to her spiritually, she said, “But, the President did it.” In that moment I realized that he had changed the moral structure of the country forever by creating moral ambiguity for youth. I was heart-broken and angry. So, I didn’t like him, or what he had done to the country.

But in time, like you, I have come to see the remarkable power that President Clinton has – power for good, and for blessing people’s lives. In some ways I have had to take back judgment – after all, I am not supposed to judge people – just actions. I thoroughly enjoyed these series of postings and feel you have done a great service to those of us who are readers.

Great men are always complicated men – a combination of good and bad. My father used to say that every coin has two sides … and it is both sides that make up the person. I think tolerance becomes crucial in our daily interactions with other people. In fact, in the thirteen books I’ve had published, tolerance is always the unnamed theme that runs through them.

Thanks for posting this … it means a lot in my life …

– Jerry Borrowman