Nourishment for the Soul In Word and Song: Faith

Inspiration has come to me in many areas of life, but knowing God is inspiring me in word and song makes it all the more special. I believe there is an opportunity for anyone and everyone to experience God right here, right now. I invite you to be inspired with “Nourishment for the Soul in Word and Song.” - Tim


The purpose of faith is to dedicate oneself to the power of life. Life has power. Life is love’s unending power. Love is life everlasting. Now, that is powerful!

The important and simple message of faith is the direction it takes you. You don’t get in and ask it to take you where you want to go, like a taxi. You get on board and stay on board, and then you encounter the miracles and riches that love manifests in you daily. The highest good in all people lives and resides in faith. Faith is the first ingredient of learning to forgive.


To understand the truth of forgiving, we must understand the truth of faith. Drawing near to that sometimes awkward place of forgiveness might require needed assistance, but when we draw near to faith in God’s Word, we are accepting the assistance given to us. We are opening up our hearts to the powerful truth of unending love.

How far do we have to open our hearts to hear or know the truth? You know the answer. For the truth shall set you free, and freedom is obtained from forgiveness. Each trial or circumstance we face with an open heart helps us face the fallen conditions of this world—our world, our lives, and our love. The more we open the doors of our hearts, the wider our faith becomes. The more forgiving we become. The more encouraging we become. The more encouraging we are, and the more forgiving we will be—all because we opened up our hearts to faith.

When the real, true love of life is recognized, our hearts don’t close anymore. Our hearts become encouraged through thoughts, words, and deeds. Through scriptural teachings. Through prayer and yearning to become Disciples of Jesus Christ. Thus, others are being encouraged by our actions—the association with such encouragement is the attraction to give and to forgive. To give more of our time, talents, money, and resources, without any explanations or expectations attached. To forgive oneself or someone else is the encouragement needed for all to learn.


For in giving, we have received automatically more in return than we ever could have imagined. Faith is one of the blessings God has given to us. We must take this blessing of faith, freely give it away, and encourage others to do the same. When we take this blessing from God and give it away, we multiply His blessings to the world and to ourselves. The very act of giving, the very act of forgiving, is the fulfillment of Faith. The fulfillment of encouragement.

Pure giving is the assurance of encouragement that awakens us. Giving is an act of charity, but more so an act of trust. We trust that the more we give, the more we will be allowed to give. There is no separation between giving and trust because in giving, we are—by example—encouraging, with open hearts, the faith we have received through trust.

Look how energetic we are when we know something good is happening, versus when our relationships with God and others are unsatisfactory. Knowing that God is always with us strengthens our ability to give of ourselves. Knowing that God is always with us, we can get out of our own way and know that God’s immeasurable, innumerable gifts are everywhere.

What better gift from God could there possibly be than that of everlasting life? He gives us victory over death. We know God is always with us. He gives to us all we need. He encourages us to keep our hearts open wide to the faith of the still, small voice of truth.

Forgiveness is the emotion of love in action. The emotion of love is our unimaginable inheritance of forgiveness given to us from God.